‘Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends’ John 15:13
Number of signatories (updated periodically):
Ministers and pastoral workers – 1625
Supporters (those not in pastoral roles) – 2610
Why ‘Greater Love’?
Jesus introduced to the world, and placed at the heart of world history, a vision of love which is greater than any other: in his own words, he laid down his life for his friends. Jesus’ cross stands at the heart of Christianity and all Christian thought and life: by giving up his life, he has given eternal life to others. Therefore Christian ethics has Christ-like self-giving at its heart.
When applied to sex, this is a radical ethic which spurns seeking to satisfy our sexual desires, and instead commits to the sacrificial limiting of sex within the God-given pattern of marriage, and abstention from it elsewhere. This has had a wonderfully liberating effect on every society which it has touched. In our own day, it remains as radical, and as much-needed, as ever.
See Background to the Declaration to find out more.
Who is the declaration for?
The Declaration may be signed by Ministers, Clergy, Pastors, and others in a recognised ministry position in Christian churches. Others are welcome to sign in support, but are not counted as signatories of the Declaration itself.
It is our hope that this will be of use to Ministers, who wish to declare their loyalty to Biblical, and historic Christian teaching; to all Christians, who wish to understand their own beliefs better; and to anyone else who wants to understand standard, orthodox Christian teaching on Marriage, Sex and Identity.
The authors have provided a longer background statement on Marriage, Sex, Identity and Christian Ethics. This helps to explain the content of the declaration, but signatories to the declaration will not necessarily agree with everything in it.
Writing Group
Revd Graham Nicholls (Affinity)
Revd Clare Hendry (Church of England)
Revd Dr Matthew Roberts (International Presbyterian Church)
Revd Dr Ian Paul (Church of England)
Dr Julie Maxwell (Church of England)
Revd Dr Thomas Brand (Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches)
Revd Ray Brown (Baptist)
Revd Dave Gobbett (Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches)
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Sign the Declaration
If you are a Christian minister, please read and sign the Greater Love Declaration today.